What do I want to achieve? I want to put the tabBar of material-top-tab on the title of the stack or native-stack navigator. At this time, the tabBar should only occupy the actual content width, not the entire screen width. By default, the tabBar will be located below the Header , which greatly wastes screen space and does not meet our design guidelines. What problems did I encounter? I tried to use the Header component in @react-navigation/elements and assign the tabBar in material-top-tab to the headerTitle , but it resulted in a very strange effect. Here are my codes and the current effect: ```tsx const MyTabBar: React.FC<MaterialTopTabBarProps> = React.memo( ({ state, ...props }) => { return ( <Header title={''} headerTitleAlign={'center'} headerTitle={() => ( <TabBar {...props} renderIndicator={(props1) => ( <TabBarIndicator {...props1} style={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }} /> )} navigationState={state} style={{ width: 200 }} /> )} /> ); }, ); ``` As you can see,the whole tabBar become a color block,the tab bar label also disappeared