createBottomTabNavigator lack an indicatorStyle
This can be achieved through a custom tab bar. See docs for examples
Brent Vatne
not planning on adding this, you can implement a custom tab bar to do this if you like, just fork the bottom tab bar component
Igor Crevar
Brent Vatne: We have implemented our own tabBarComponent. No problems there, but we need to start animation for active tab indicator as soon as transition starts, not only after navigation.state.index changed (that is the moment render is triggered). We do not know about any existing way to subscribe for transition event.
However, the only reason we created our custom tabBarComponent is because we need to dynamically retrieve tab style options, not just declare them as constant objects (similar how defaultNavigationOptions for Stack Navigator can be function). Only solution for now is to change some react navigation files (react native tab view, etc), but that is not good because we want to be able to upgrade to new versions when they come out