Brent Vatne
you can do this in v5 with native-stack
Pierrick Boutruche
Hi ! Any news on this ?
Is it possible to change the background color on scroll? Or is there a way to access a trigger when it switches so I can create a blurView behind it only when it's smaller?
in progress
You can get iOS largeTitle with the new native stack:
Antonio Calanducci
satya164: great! It works nice! Is there any option to add a native iOS searchbar (UISearchBar or UISearchController) in the header and made it collapsible too?
What is the ETA for a production ready version of the native stack?
Thank you!
Fernando Rojo
satya164: Working really well for me. Thanks so much for all your hard work.
Long Nguyen
satya164: Update URL:
David Ressler
Long Nguyen: Do you have example code for this?
Long Nguyen
Stevan Miletic
Please. Hurry up.
Jon Samp
I made a component that will provide the large header on a single screen (note that it does not integrate with navigation or do cross-route animations). It might do what you need.
Thomas Wang
Jon Samp, Expo contributor, has made this feature!
Made an issue here, anyone want to tackle integrating into react-navigation?
Brent Vatne
hello! we have no plans to implement this. you may want to build it on your own (it will be difficult to get the transitions right) or use react-native-navigation instead if you need this.
Bright Lee
I just made and published 'react-navigation-collapsible' module. It’s HOC component, so you can make your current 'react-navigation' collapsible by adding only a few lines.
Check this out. :)
Bright Lee: nice!
Bright Lee: but this module completely ruins my navigation options.
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